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Supplies for class

Supplies for ELA:
Description: Individual schools may specify specific colors of items but may not exceed the number requested on the RCS Core Supply List. Additional items may be requested on a “wish list” but may not be added to the core supply list. Supplies are not to be listed as name brand specific. Types of notebooks, folders, binders or spirals will be determined by individual teachers. Choose one to bring from the OPTIONAL items below.


-Composition notebook (brought to class everyday) 
-5 different color highlighters
-Blue or black pen
-Post-it notes
-Headphones (with microphone) 
Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues(Optional)
Package(s) Wide Ruled notebook paper

Welcome to 8th grade ELA

It is going to be a fantastic year. I look forward to seeing all of you in class. If for some reason you are absent, please check Schoology for the lesson PowerPoint. It outlines what we are doing each day and gives instructions for the assignments.