Students » Student Dress Code

Student Dress Code

Student Dress Code



Decency, good taste, and the normal standards of the community are to be maintained in dress and grooming by all students. The Smyrna Middle School dress code has been developed with the idea of promoting a positive learning atmosphere and wholesome attitude for each student and the school as a whole. Any dress or hair style that is considered contrary to good hygiene, distractive or disruptive in appearance, or detrimental to the educational environment or the public image of the school will not be permitted.

Students should follow these guidelines:

  • Student dress will not lead school officials to believe that such behavior, apparel, activities, acts, or other attributes are gang related or would disrupt or interfere with the school environment or activity and/or educational objectives.
  • Any dress considered too revealing will not be allowed. See-through clothing, bare midriffs, off-the-shoulder tops, open backs, low-cut tops, tube tops, halter tops, tank tops, mesh or sleeveless shirts are not permitted. No skin should be visible between the shirts and pants while sitting or extending hands over head. Undergarments must be covered. Coverage should be armpit to armpit for shirts.
  • Pajamas, blankets, and pillows are not permitted.
  • Holes in jeans are not allowed above fingertips. No skin should be exposed. Wearing leggings/tights underneath jeans are permitted.
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn. Shoes must be worn at all times. (No house slippers or shoes).
  • Shorts and skirts must be as long, or longer than the tip of the longest fingertip of the individual while standing in a relaxed position and must be able to stay (not ride up) at an appropriate length when walking, sitting, or participating in classroom activities.
  • Leotards, spandex, lycra, leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, bike shorts, and form-fitting clothes are not suitable for school attire. However, they are allowed if worn with a garment that adequately covers the shoulders and chest and meet the requirements for length at fingertips.
  • Clothing, accessories, or any item that pertains to or advertises substances which are illegal for teenagers (drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, etc.) or which are otherwise inappropriate (profanity, sex, obscenities, violence, gang related, etc.) are not to be worn or brought to school.
  • Students are not permitted to wear hoods or hats inside the building. Hooded sweatshirts may be worn, but students may not wear the hood.  Hats, bandanas, hair-picks, stocking caps, hair curlers, and bonnets are not permitted.
  • Clothing must be size appropriate. All pants must be worn at the waist. Sagging is not allowed. All belts, buttons, and fasteners must be fastened. Belts are required for all pants and shorts that are not size appropriate.
  • All chains and chains with medallions must be tucked beneath shirts.
  • Dress Down Days/ Special Events/ Spirit Days: Scheduling for dress for these days will be under the direction and discretion of the individual principals.


The principal or designee will make the final judgment concerning attire or accessories that do not fall into one of the above categories but may still be considered inappropriate or disruptive to the educational program.  The violation may include consequences such as, but not limited to, calling parents to bring appropriate clothing, lunch restriction, in-school suspension, wearing school issued scrubs, and/or other disciplinary action as deemed appropriate. Our goal is modesty and no distractions during the learning process. The administration has the right to determine if attire or appearance is inappropriate for the school.