Bullying and Student Conflict

Smyrna Middle School’s administration and staff are committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students. All staff members are trained to recognize and eliminate bullying and other violent behaviors.
Rutherford County Schools defines bullying as unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.  The imbalance of power involves the use of physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity to control or harm others.

Teachers and counselors and administrators communicate with students about: the definition of bullying/violence, examples of behaviors that will not be tolerated, consequences for bullying, and ways to report bullying.  We strive to make sure that every student is aware of the people to whom they may report bullying and other violent incidents. Every adult in the building tries to address bullying/violent behaviors as we see them happen within the school.

What Can You Do As A Parent?
Please encourage your child to inform an adult if they are having a problem with another student in our school. We cannot do anything to solve the problem if we are not aware of the situation. Counselors and/or administrators investigate every incident of bullying that is brought to our attention. You can call us and let us know what is occurring as well. Please visit STOP BULLYING for more information.

What Can You Do As A Student?
If you are the victim/witness, please tell a teacher, school counselor, principal, or SRO---look for an adult! We want everyone to feel safe at school and we won't know anything if you don't tell!