We are super excited to have our Panthers back in the building! Here are a few updates and reminders for tomorrow.
- We will begin school at 8:00 am on Friday, August 5th. All sixth-grade students will report to the left side of the gym, all seventh-grade students will report to the right side of the gym, and all eighth-grade students will report to the auditorium. Parents are not permitted to attend our two-hour day. All students will be dismissed from school at 10 am.
- All car riders will be dropped off and picked up at the back of the school. Buses are running on Friday. If you need to know what bus your student rides, please click here.
- Our first full day of school is Monday, August 8th. School begins at 8:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm. Students must be in their Panther Time class prior to 8:00 am to not be counted tardy.
- If you have a student that was enrolled in Rutherford County Schools last year you MUST complete the online data verification. This is done in Skyward through the parent portal and cannot be done through your child's Skyward access. If you need access to the family portal, please email Ms. Glenda Natareno at [email protected].
- Breakfast and lunch will not be served tomorrow morning. In addition, school lunches are NOT free this school year, so we encourage you to follow the link below to complete the free and reduced lunch form in case the state decides to halt this program. This will ensure that all students that are eligible to receive free and reduced lunch will if the program changes. Please click here for more information. There are videos and instructions on our Smyrna Middle school website for completing the forms.
- Do not forget that SMS Open House is August 16th from 5 pm - 6:30 pm. We look forward to seeing you all there!
- I would also like to inform you all of a maintenance issue we have been experiencing today at school. Smyrna Middle uses a chiller system for its air conditioning, and part of the system is not functioning properly at the moment. Our maintenance department is working on a solution and the air will be functioning tomorrow, but it may be a little warmer than normal in the morning when students are present. We will update you all of any changes, but school will be open tomorrow.
- I would also like to update you concerning our 7th grade construction. The annex will not be opening as scheduled due to construction delays. We expect to have 7th grade students in their classes on Monday. Tomorrow, students will be divided into the gym, cafeteria, auditorium, and vacant classrooms so that they are able to meet all of their teachers as scheduled. Thank you for your patience as we work through our construction issues.
If you have ANY questions regarding any of the above information, please do not hesitate to reach out via email. We are here to help you make the beginning of the year as stress free as possible!
Dates to Remember
- August 15th -First Home Volleyball Game @ 4:30pm
- August 16th -Open House/Fall Title @ 5pm-6:30pm
- August 23rd -First Home Football Game @ 6:30pm
Let's do this Smyrna Middle! GO PANTHERS!!