
The Golf Team is open to male and female students 6th - 8th grade. Students must tryout and the spring team roster will be selected from those chosen through try outs.


The Paperwork:

Most of the forms that are now needed are electronic and available through www.dragonflymax.com.

The online physical form MUST be completed by a doctor and uploaded to dragonfly.

The only other required form is the TMSGA form that must be filled out and given to Coach Bratten.

These forms are located on this page as PDF files.


Team Fees:

This year’s team fee per Golf Team member is $20.00.  This fee includes, a team golf shirt, TMSGA membership and registration, and all other expenses. The team fee is due February 19th and is non-refundable.


Behavioral Requirements:

All Golf Team members are required to conduct themselves with the highest standards of excellence and integrity in their classes and personal interactions. Likewise, all team members must maintain a passing grade in all their classes.