Mrs. Kristen Hershey » RTI2 Information

RTI2 Information


Response to Intervention and Instruction



Universal Screener Information:


Fall Universal Screener: August 

    Winter Universal Screener: January 

    Spring Universal Screener: May


Math Universal Screeners:

Savvas Math & iReady Math

Reading Universal Screener:

EasyCBM Proficient Reading (comprehension), PRF (fluency), Vocabulary and Spelling


Students will take their math universal screener in their math classes.

They will take their reading screeners is their ELA classes. 




What is RTI²


RTI² is a multi-tiered instruction and intervention delivery system that uses a data-driven, problem-solving model, to identify specific student needs and match appropriate instructional strategies.


The goal of RTI² is to prevent learning obstacles and provide additional help early, to ensure students are successful.


What does the RTI² Framework look like?

The RTI² framework has three tiers, and each tier provides differing levels of support. Students are placed in tiers based on the results of assessments and classroom performance. Student's progress is consistently monitored in each Tier.


What are the key components of the RTI Framework?

  • All students receive high quality instruction in the general education classroom to the greatest extent possible (Tier I)
  • School will conduct academic, universal screenings of students who may need more support or other types of instruction.
  • As a result of the universal screenings, students may be identified as needed targeted interventions (Tier II or Tier III). Research-based interventions are used to support students in the area(s) in which they are struggling.
  • Students are receiving Tier II or Tier III interventions are progress monitored regularly. Progress monitoring is a way for teachers to take a snapshot of how children are doing on a specific skill. It shows how well the intervention is working.
  • Parents are informed of their child's progress every 4.5 weeks from the intervention teacher via letter sent home.

When progress monitoring indicated that the intervention is no longer needed, the student continues to receive support from the general education teacher (Tier I).


When progress monitoring shows the student is not responding to intervention, another approach to intervention may be tried.


If a higher level of support is needed, students may be given a more intensive intervention that is skills-based and further focuses on the supporting skills needed to be successful learners (Tiers II or III).


Students who do not respond to Tier III interventions may be referred for Special Education testing.

Parental Support :

Families are instrumental in supporting what their child(ren) are learning in school.



  • Make reading an everyday habit at home
  • Communicate with your child's teacher
  • Monitor and assist with homework assignments
  • Review progress monitoring data
  • Celebrate your child's successes
  • Learn more about the curricula and interventions being used in your child's school
  • Attend parent/teacher conferences and other school meetings about your child



Talk with your child's teacher, principal, intervention teacher, or school's instructional coach for more information about how RTI² is being implemented at SMS.


Smyrna Middle RTI² Contact Information :

Kristen Hershey-Schell - Math Instructional Coach & RTI
contact/email: [email protected]


Monte Parks- ELA Instructional Coach & Title 1/email: [email protected]


Kenya Wade-Math Interventionist/email: [email protected]


Becky Shaffer-Math Interventionist/email/email: [email protected]


Malinda Upton-Reading Interventionist/email:


Laura Patterson-Reading Interventionist: